Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NGivaroNamespace in which the whole Givaro library resides
 C_perfArray0< T >Defined by marco GIVARO_PERF_DEFCLASS. ref counting and stuff
 CArrayAllocatortArrayAllocator: class for allocation of arrays
 C__giv_map_less_ithMap opcode on all Elements less or requal that ith
 CElemRefElem Ref
 CElemConstRefElem const Ref
 CKeyThe class Key
 CHashTableHash table
 CChineseRemainder< Ring, Domain, false >CRA2
 CGIV_ExtensionrandIterExtension rand iters
 CGF2Integers modulo 2
 CGFqDomClass GFqDom
 CGFqExtFastGFq Ext
 CGFqExtGFq Ext (other)
 CPrimes16Class Primes16
 CRNSsystemClass RNSsystem
 CRNSsystemFixedNO DOC
 CQField< Rational >Rational Domain
 CStaticElementStatic Element
 CIntegerThis is the Integer class
 CZRing< Integer >Integer Domain, Specialization of ZRing
 CIntFactorDomInteger Factor Domain
 CIntNumTheoDomNum theory Domain
 CFermatDomFermat numbers
 CIntPrimeDomPrimality tests
 CIntRNSsystemRNS system class. No doc
 CIntRSADomRSA domain
 CIntSqrtModDomModular square roots
 CRandomIntegerIteratorRandom Integer Iterator
 CGivMMInfoStatic informations of memory allocation
 CBlocFreeListData structure of a bloc
 CGivMMFreeListImplementation of a memory manager with free-lists
 CGivMMRefCountMemory management with reference counter on allocated data
 CGivaroMMMemory manager that allocates array of object of type T for
 CRefCountPtrRefcount Pointer
 CRefCounterRef counter
 CRationalRationals. No doc
 CModularForward declaration for Givaro::Modular
 CModular_implemThis class implement the standard arithmetic with Modulo Elements
 CModular< Integer >This class implement the standard arithmetic with Modulo Elements
 CModular< Log16 >This class implement the standard arithmetic with Modulo Elements
 CMontgomery< int32_t >This class implements the standard arithmetic with Modulo Elements
 CMontgomery< RecInt::ruint< K > >The recint-based Montgomery ring
 CUnparametricZRingGeneric Class ZRing
 CNeutralNeutral type
 CgivNoInitUsed to build no initialized object as static object
 CgivNoCopyUsed to call cstor without copy
 CgivWithCopyUsed to call cstor with copy
 CGivErrorBase class for exeception handling in Givaro
 CGivMathErrorMath error
 CGivBadFormatException thrown in input of data structure
 CGivMathDivZeroDiv by 0
 C__givdom_trait_nameGive a name for /read/write
 CBaseDomainBase Domain
 CGivaroMainInitialisation of GIVARO
 CGivaroAppliMain application class Could be not used
 COMPTimerOMP timer
 CGIV_randIterRandom ring Element generator
 CModularRandIterRandom ring Element generator
 CGeneralRingNonZeroRandIterRandom iterator for nonzero random numbers
 CBaseTimerBase for class RealTimer; class SysTimer; class UserTimer;
 CRealTimerReal timer
 CUserTimerUser timer
 CSysTimerSys timer
 CDegreeDegree type for polynomials
 CNewtonInterpGeomMultipNewton (multip)
 CPoly1CRTPoly1 CRT
 CPoly1Dom< Domain, Dense >Class Poly1Dom
 CPoly1PadicDom< Domain, Dense >Poly1 p-adic