File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 chineseremainder.hChinese Remainder Algorithm for 2 Elements
 extension.hNO DOX
 gfq.hArithmetic on GF(p^k), with p a prime number less than 2^16
 gfqext.hArithmetic on GF(p^k), with p a prime number less than 2^15
 gfqkronecker.hArithmetic on GF(p^k), with dynamic Kronecker substitution
 givaromm.hMemory management in Givaro two memory managers:
 givarray0.hArray of type T with reference mecanism
 givarrayallocator.hNO DOC
 givarrayfixed.hArrayFixed of type T with fixed dimension
 givbasictype.hNO DOC
 givbits.hField of n bits, for any n
 givcaster.hNO DOC
 givconfig.hConfiguration file for Givaro
 givdegree.hNO DOC opaque class for Degree of polynomial
 givelem.hDefinition of a reference to an object
 giverror.hError exception
 givgenarith.hDomain definition for basic type of the language
 givhashtable.hHash table
 givindeter.hIndeterminates for polynomial manipulation
 givinit.hNO DOC
 givinteger.hInteger Domain class specialization
 givinterp.hNO DOC
 givinterpgeom-multip.hInterpolation at geometric points
 givinterpgeom.hInterpolation at geometric points
 givintnumtheo.hNum theory
 givintrns.hArithmetic for RNS representations
 givintrns_cstor.inlNO DOC
 givintrsa.hRSA scheme
 givintsqrootmod.hModular square roots
 givlist0.hList of type T with double link and various insert/get/rmv method
 givmodule.hNO DOC
 givperf.hPerformance analysis
 givpointer.hAuto ptr management
 givpoly1.hNO DOC
 givpoly1crt.hPolynomial Chinese Remaindering of degree 1
 givpoly1dense.hUnivariate polynomial over T
 givpoly1factor.hNO DOC
 givpoly1padic.hNO DOC
 givpoly1tabcycl.hTabulation of factors of cyclotomic polynomials of degree expo modulo mod
 givpower.hNO DOC
 givprimes16.hSet of primes less than 2^16
 givprint.hHelper print for containers
 givranditer.hNO DOC Givaro ring Elements generator
 givrandom.hNO DOC
 givrational.hRationals (and domain), composed of an integer (numerator), and a positive integer (denominator) NO DOC
 givref_count.hDefinition of the Counter class, Counter
 givrns.hModular arithmetic for GIVARO
 givrnsfixed.hChinese Remainder Algorithm
 givstack.hNo doc
 gmp++_int.hCore gmp++_int.h
 gmp++_int_add.CAdding stuff
 gmp++_int_compare.CRoutines to compare integers
 gmp++_int_cstor.CCstoring stuff
 gmp++_int_div.CDiving stuff
 gmp++_int_gcd.CGcding stuff
 gmp++_int_io.CIoing stuff
 gmp++_int_lib.CLibing stuff
 gmp++_int_misc.CMiscing stuff
 gmp++_int_mod.CModing stuff
 gmp++_int_mul.CMuling stuff
 gmp++_int_pow.CPowing stuff
 gmp++_int_rand.inlRanding stuff
 gmp++_int_sub.CSubing stuff
 modular-implem.hGeneric implementation of Modular
 modular-integral.hRepresentation of Z/mZ over int types
 modular-ruint.hThe standard arithmetic in modular rings using fixed size precision
 modular.hFamily of arithmetics over Zpz ( $\mathbf{Z}/p\mathbf{Z}$)
 montgomery.hFamily of arithmetics over Zpz ( $\mathbf{Z}/p\mathbf{Z}$)
 qfield.hSpecialization of Rational Domain NO DOC
 StaticElement.hNO DOC
 test-crt.CNO DOC
 test-integer.CTests integer.h fucntions not tested elsewhere
 test-modsqroot.CNO DOC
 test-random.CWe test bounds for random Integers